Project managers sit at the center of the agency’s universe, ensuring all moving parts of projects run not just smoothly, but also with utmost efficiency, effectiveness, and quality output. This requires a unique mix of skills.

In this program, we’ll focus on building critical foundational skills across the project management team. We recommend a balance of modules related to communications, interpersonal, leadership, and technical skills that will support the team in managing the complexities of … Read More


In our business, we tend to expend a significant amount of time and energy fostering the technical skills of our creative teams, but often we neglect the development of other skills that are critical to driving overall performance – how to sell work and lead clients from the front, managing others and nurturing relationships, and developing teams.

In this program, we’ll focus on building the often overlooked, but critical foundational skills creative leaders need to … Read More


No matter what it says on your business card, everyone in the agency and the creative business world needs to bring strategic prowess to the table. In this hands-on course, we’ll cover the mindset, toolset, and skill set any creative strategic thinker needs for success.

What you’ll learn:

  • Using Your Three Brains
  • Asking Better Questions
  • Applying Convergent and Divergent Thinking
  • Becoming a Ruthless Reductionist
  • Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places
  • Developing and Delivering Great Briefs
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As any good client leader knows it can be difficult to define exactly what it is we do because our skills are put to the test in so many areas, every day. We are called upon to foster strong client relationships, drive growth, develop high-performing teams, make smart strategic decisions and sell transformational ideas – all at an unprecedented time of accelerated pace and competition in our industry.

That said, there has never been a … Read More


Pitches aren’t just regular presentations – they’re performances. In this module, we’ll look at all of the elements of a winning pitch performance, including:
Theme – the reason to win
Story – elements, structure, types
“Screenplay” (the deck) – process for collaborative writing and tips on writing powerfully (memory, visuals, etc.)
S.t.a.r. – giving the audience “something they’ll always remember”
Casting – individually and collectively
Staging – fundamentals of position, room setting, technology
Rehearsal – … Read More


Advertising is a discipline that is undergoing rapid and constant change, in lockstep with technology, business, and culture. With that, it is also an industry that has a deeply rooted history. In this module, we will take a high-level look at that history, how consumption of media has changed, and how creative strategies have evolved along with it. From radio, TV, and print, to the debut of the internet and smartphones, to purchase ecosystems and … Read More


Breakthrough creative work starts with an inspiring brief. In this module, we’ll review different types of briefs, break down the essential questions they should answer, and compare examples of what makes a great brief and what makes a bad one. We’ll look at real creative examples to understand the key briefing “ingredients” and teach tips and tricks to write a solid brief that will set the stage for the best creative results.

 … Read More


Evaluating creative ideas and giving feedback can be tricky skills to master. This critical module reviews different ways in which we can evaluate creative ideas through different lenses. We’ll share honest insights on how to deliver comments effectively. We’ll learn practical tips and tricks, look at examples of feedback we hear every day, and finally review actual creative concepts and put new skills into practice.

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We’ll do a deep dive into the critical areas of client leadership, including understanding the client and their business, developing and strengthening client relationships, fostering creative solutions, and evaluating and optimizing. We’ll leverage a variety of practical tools, and participants will leave with an account optimization plan for a current client.… Read More