What Makes Our Career & Executive Coaches Different?
Our certified and vetted business coaches offer credentials and accreditation from many professional coaching and career organizations, including the International Coach Federation (ICF), Coach U, The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, New York University, Five O’Clock Club, The Landmark Forum, DiSC, and the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital (a Harvard Medical School affiliate).
“Everybody in my company raves about the coaches. We basically just want you guys to follow us around and tell us what to do ;). You have a great way of breaking things down and making them seem less daunting, and you help us reach our potential.”
“I hired an STC coach because I was at my wit’s end and simply wanted to prove – after I fired this toxic but high-performing individual – that I had done my best by giving him coaching support. Six sessions later, I hardly recognize him and he’s now a candidate for a promotion.”
“Your authenticity, kindness, integrity and direct approach are formidable and so very effective in creating space for people to evolve. You also know and get our business, which is critical in establishing trust and relatedness.”