70% of employees say they’re most engaged when senior leadership continually updates and communicates company strategy. We’ll define what makes a transparent leader, look at the six tenets of transparency, and learn ways to incorporate them into our daily routine for powerful results.

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Different situations require different levels of the directive and supportive behavior. Depending on the amount of each needed by an employee determines whether the manager delegates, support, coaches or directs. We will look at situational leadership through the lenses of trait and behavioral theory and apply it to our work.

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Servant leaders are those who share power and put the needs of others first. In this module, we’ll define what it means to be a servant leader, the benefits, and review ten key characteristics.

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Agility has been identified as the critical business skill of our time, and yet only 10% of leaders have sufficient agility to succeed in the long term. Agile leaders are better equipped to respond to changing circumstances by incorporating new skills into their day-to-day responsibilities. We’ll share a framework that examines the components of agility, and participants will identify personalized ways to improve their agility as a leader.

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All teams progress through the stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, and mourning. We review the signs that a team exhibits at each stage and the actions that we as managers and leaders must take to move our teams to the next level.

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This module covers both the transactional and emotional journey that individuals and organizations go through during the process of change. We’ll learn about the “Process of Transition” and the “Emotional Change Curve”. Participants are asked to deconstruct previous change initiatives to determine what has worked and not worked for them in the past. After reviewing the important ADKAR change model, we spend some time reviewing a framework for leading change and finally complete a group … Read More


Failure is a prerequisite to innovation. In this module, we’ll discuss what failure is and what it is not and the difference between carelessness and experimentation. We’ll learn five ways to become a failure-tolerant leader and what it means to take intelligent risks.

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To be successful in today’s competitive landscape, innovation is a must. But in the quest to be innovative, we all must confront and deal with our fear of failure. We’ll look at the hallmarks of a “failing backward” approach (e.g. status quo mindset, working alone, using time poorly) vs. a “failing forward” one (e.g. setting clear goals, embracing experimentation, asking powerful questions.) We’ll share specific strategies for working through failures quickly.

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Humans are not wired to be critical thinkers although it is one of the most sought-after skills by employers. We’ll take a look at how to improve critical thinking skills by using questions to re-frame problems and get to meaningful solutions. We’ll also share how we can avoid common biases with greater awareness and how shifting our mindset can help us solve problems more effectively. (Note: this is typically run as a 60-minute course. We … Read More


Collaboration is an overused word but underutilized leadership practice. If you want to have great collaboration, you need agility, psychological safety, and intentionality. In this module, learn how to lead effective collaborations by fine-tuning your team practices, creating an environment that is safe for risk-taking, and being intentional about how and when work gets done together.

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