How to Manage Stress at Work

Everyone who has ever had a job has, at some point, experienced work-related stress. Even if your work is something you love, there can be stressful elements. Without proper help, both short- and long-term stress can eventually harm your mental and physical health. 

But how do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? At Strong Training and Coaching, we can help you manage job stress and recognize signs of employee burnout. Let’s take a closer look at stress management techniques that can help you feel better, be more productive, and happier overall at work.

How to Manage High Pressure, Stressful Situations

There are many ways to handle high-pressure, stressful situations, but not everyone responds to stressors the same way. When working with a career coach, you can find which stress management techniques work for you. 

Here are a few:

Pinpoint the Source of Your Stress

Before you can learn to manage your stress, first, you must identify the source of your anxiety and the triggers that can lead to the highest stress responses. Some people know exactly what causes their stress; others are not so sure.

If you’re feeling anxiety regularly but aren’t sure where it comes from, start journaling to describe your day and your responses to actions and events in the workplace. Journaling can be clarifying and can also help you identify issues that cause stress — ones you may not even have been aware of at the time.

Manage Stress From Within

For most people, stress is an internal response to external stimuli. You may not always control your environment to reduce stress, but you can learn to calm your physical reaction to it. A few ways to manage stress from within include:

  • Breathing techniques. Engaging in mindful breathing can help you find your center and regain focus. Using breathing techniques over time can reduce your overall stress levels. 
  • Yoga. This is exercise and mediation rolled up into one. Following your yoga sessions, you’ll feel more calm and confident in your ability to face the world. 
  • Career development coaching. You should walk through your stressors with someone who will listen. Getting advice and coaching can help you become capable of handling your job. The more confidence you have, the easier it is to manage complex tasks.

Build a Support Network

Find someone who you can trust who will listen to your workplace worries and provide support. This may be a co-worker, peer, manager, mentor, or executive job coach with expertise in career coaching and training. 

How to Create a Time and Stress Management Plan

One of the ways that you can manage stress at work is to create a plan that will meet your unique needs and help you tackle your specific stressors. Everyone is different, and not all stress management techniques work for every individual. The best way to manage your particular stressors is to create a plan that:

  • Identifies your sources of stress.
  • Minimizes your stress by reducing your exposure to stressors. 
  • Empowers you to feel less pressure in the face of difficult situations. 

Creating a stress management plan takes some expertise in navigating difficult workplace situations, which is why most people benefit from an executive career coach. Strong Training and Coaching career coaching services include evaluating your work environment and helping you determine the best path forward to eliminate or minimize stressors. You don’t have to manage your stress alone; receive help from a professional who knows what to do.

Career Coaching Services From Strong Training and Coaching

Stress at work can be detrimental to your health, personal relationships, and success. When you work with Strong Training and Coaching, your private career counselor will be fully trained to