Team Dynamics Assessment

A cohesive team needs to master five key behaviors: building trust, mastering conflict, achieving commitment, embracing accountability, and focusing on results. This assessment is taken by all participants and in our session, we’ll look at the team’s performance in all areas. Once debriefed, the group generates and prioritizes ways in which they can improve in each of the five areas. Strong Coaching and Training also offers virtual team building to enhance your team’s overall … Read More

Genos EI Assessment

The Genos Model of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership helps participants understand what EI competencies and behaviors they demonstrate when leading and interacting with people. Based on the results of the assessment, participants will be able to highlight both strengths and opportunities for growth and determine what actions to take in order to improve their leadership development. Results do not reflect your actual EQ or innate level of emotional intelligence.… Read More

Disc Work Of Leaders Assessment

People possess qualities that make them “natural leaders”, but many leadership skills need to be learned and developed. Work of Leaders focuses on the tangible steps taken to lead a group or organization toward desired outcomes. This DiSC assessment provides a robust view into each participant’s personal leadership style and measures different leadership behaviors across three areas: crafting a vision, building alignment, and championing execution. The assessment also benchmarks how participants are performing individually and … Read More

Disc For Sales Assessment

Everyone who sells has the opportunity to optimize their skills around more advanced selling strategies. This iteration of the DiSC assessment is focused on priorities that shape your sales experience, your personal sales strengths and challenges, and how to recognize and adapt to different buying styles.… Read More

Disc Work Styles Assessment

When we understand ourselves and others better, our ability to work more effectively increases as well. The DiSC Work Styles assessment is a simple and practical tool that helps participants understand their own style and the styles of others. We’ll review what motivates and stresses each style, how they respond to conflict, and how to communicate most effectively with each. Participants will learn how to predict the work styles of colleagues, clients, and those they … Read More

Accountability Plan

This module of in person or online employee training is used at the end of many courses as a way to ensure that this new learning translates into practical application, each participant will create an accountability plan to discuss with their manager. … Read More