Proximity Bias

Without the built-in touchpoint of being in the same physical place at the same time, leaders will need to take deliberate action to fight our tendency to give preference to those in our immediate vicinity. In this module, we’ll review examples of proximity bias to help us identify it, and learn key strategies and behaviors to prevent it from happening.Read More

Psychological Safety

Without psychological safety, individuals and teams will struggle to have the impact they want. Unfortunately, the hybrid context makes this more difficult to create and maintain. We’ll define what psychological safety is and how to tell if it’s present/absent. We’ll share three simple tools and habits managers can use to build and maintain this precious resource.Read More

Intentional Management

In the purely physical office, management could happen by default to some degree: observation was a key conduit of information about how an employee was doing. In the hybrid world, management must be more intentional. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on their current management approach and envision how they’d like to show up to be successful in the hybrid context.… Read More

Leading Hybrid Teams

Hybrid teams are here to stay, but are your leaders equipped to juggle the complexities this brings? In this module, we’ll introduce 5 best practices to successfully lead hybrid teams and share tangible practices that your leaders can use to co-create a team culture, establish trust & communication, and create a sense of belonging and accountability that transcends location. Read More

Leading with Agility

Agility has been identified as the critical business skill of our time, and yet only 10% of leaders have sufficient agility to succeed in the long term. Agile leaders are better equipped to respond to changing circumstances by incorporating new skills into their day-to-day responsibilities. We’ll share a framework that examines the components of agility, and participants will identify personalized ways to improve their own agility as a leaderRead More

Leading Change

This module covers both the transactional and emotional journey that individuals and organizations go through during the process of change. We’ll learn about the “Process of Transition” and the “Emotional Change Curve”. Participants are asked to deconstruct previous change initiatives to determine what has worked and not worked for them in the past. After reviewing the important ADKAR change model, we spend some time reviewing a framework for leading change, and finally complete a group Read More

Failing Forward Fast

In order to be successful in today’s competitive landscape, innovation is a must. But in the quest to be innovative, we all must confront and deal with our fear of failure. We’ll look at the hallmarks of a “failing backward” approach (e.g. status quo mindset, working alone, using time poorly) vs. a “failing forward” one (e.g. setting clear goals, embracing experimentation, asking powerful questions.) We’ll share specific strategies for working through failures quickly. Read More

Critical Thinking

Thinking through solutions to modern challenges requires managing ambiguity, questioning assumptions, adopting different perspectives, seeing potential (where competitors don’t) and ultimately, effective judgment and efficient decision-making. In this module, we’ll cover these core skills of critical thinking and more, including why critical thinking is so, well, “critical” today, as well as helpful frameworks, tips, and tricks. Read More

Hybrid Collaboration

Collaboration is an overused word but underutilized leadership practice. If you want to have great collaboration in your company, you need agility, psychological safety and intentionality.  In this module, learn how to lead effective collaborations by fine tuning your company practices, creating an environment that is safe for risk taking, and being intentional about how and when work gets done together.Read More

Building Relationships of Trust

In this module, we explore how to make the most of the precious time you have to develop relationships of trust with others which can lead to more engaged, productive and satisfied employees. We’ll share how to build critical skills that will help you nurture relationships including empathy, transparency and vulnerability.Read More