Managing Performance and Promotions

We’ll look at why performance management is so important and the role it plays in an organization’s “bigger picture” and driving things like development, growth, motivation, productivity, and overall success. We’ll clarify the roles of managers and employees in the process, and discuss and practice goal-setting, helping your leaders successfully implement more effective performance management processes. Read More


Hybrid work has given employees greater flexibility and independence, but are they empowered to be proactive and make good decisions? In this module, we introduce and deconstruct empowerment leadership into tangible practices. Learn how to balance authenticity, logic and empathy to establish trust, show your love by helping people reach their highest potential, and cultivate a sense of belonging by embracing each individual’s unique strengths.Read More

Delegating Successfully

We’ll cover why delegation is so hard, yet so important, particularly for leaders. We’ll explore the styles of delegation and how to guide others while ultimately empowering them to make decisions. We’ll share a suggested model to apply when delegation can be used as a development opportunity. Read More

Coaching Employees

Coaching always has and always will be a critical competency for leaders across industries and teams. As we continue to navigate evolved workplaces, many of us are learning how to make sure our teams feel supported with coaching in a virtual environment. We’ll discuss what it takes to make the shift from managing to coaching while team members are virtual. We’ll share a coaching model that leaders can use (in-person or virtually) to push employees Read More

Feedback with Finesse

Research proves teams who give and receive feedback regularly are stronger collaborators and performers, but it’s too often avoided or not done correctly. In this session, we will debunk the myths that cause us to miss key opportunities to provide feedback to our teams. We distinguish the differences between praise vs feedback, and judgment vs observation. 

We review a permission-based process for delivering feedback that yields the most impactful results, strengthens performance, and promotes partnership. Read More

Leading High Performing Teams

All teams progress through the stages of forming, storming, norming, performing and mourning. We review the signs that a team exhibits at each stage and the actions that we as leaders must take to move our teams to the next level.Read More

Strategic Interviewing

Talent is our most critical asset – so the ability to interview well is a critical skill, particularly during times of big transition. In this module, we’ll cover how to optimize interviews for the best candidate experience. We’ll also do a deep dive on developing competencies and asking behavioral interview questions. We also discuss the importance of probing and practice using the STAR model to help identify the best talent quickly.Read More


When we’re collectively navigating yet another “new normal”, having grace and compassion for ourselves and others may be the most critical skill of all. Read More

Motivating Meaningfully

Theories of motivation have been around for decades, but our new hybrid world requires a refresh. In this module, leaders will learn how to help their teams build autonomy, mastery and purpose in challenging environments and how to authentically and intentionally use recognition and rewards to inspire your people to do their best.Read More

Adaptive Motivation

Remote teams may experience lower levels of motivation overall. We’ll look at the role of extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation and share a simple framework to assess and build motivation in oneself and others.Read More