Tell It Like It Is

If you’re not a know-it-all but feel like you may be working
with one, there are things you can do to address the problem. The first thing
you must do is speak up about it. If no one knows there’s an issue, nothing
will change. At the same time, with a sensitive subject that involves
presenting difficult feedback to a colleague or manager, diplomacy is crucial
to a successful outcome.

With colleagues: If it’s a know-it-all co-worker you’re dealing
with, you have a few options to raise the subject. If you feel comfortable
enough with her to have a heart-to-heart discussion, you might start by
requesting a private meeting, perhaps over lunch. During the meeting, let your
colleague know how much you enjoy your working relationship, and that you’ve
been thinking about ways to improve it. Mention that you sometimes have a
difficult time expressing your ideas to her, and ask for support in voicing
your opinion and getting equal airtime.

Try to get buy-in during the meeting for changing the
dynamic going forward, so that your ideas won’t be overshadowed in the future.
You might suggest discussing ways to alternate taking the lead on certain
projects, or creating distinct time slots in meetings for each of you to offer
ideas, as well as to listen.

Be sure to ask your colleague for her thoughts on how to
improve the situation as well—but be wary of her denying the problem or
dominating the discussion once again rather than listening to you. If this
happens, you may need to shift to another option: raising the subject with your
colleague’s supervisor.

Save this approach as a last resort to consider only after
you’ve determined direct resolution with your colleague is not possible.
Reporting a problem to someone’s supervisor can jeopardize your working
relationship, and may also cause political challenges for you in the office, so
this action should not be taken lightly.

With managers: Often the problem of dealing with someone who
always has to be right comes not from peers, but from supervisors or managers.
Many managers think it’s their duty to have the last word and the opinion that
matters the most—but these aren’t usually the best managers.

If your supervisor or another executive who is senior to you
in the organization is making it difficult for you to share your ideas, you’re
in a tough—but not impossible—position. By nature of your role in the
organization and the hierarchical structure of corporate management, you are in
the position of needing to listen to your boss and other managers. But that
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also be able to express your viewpoints. In fact,
it’s part of your job to do so in order to help your managers and your company.

Though it may feel difficult to raise the issue with your
boss, you might try approaching the matter as something you’ve thought about to
improve your contribution toward your boss’s goals. You could suggest
scheduling a regular time on the calendar with your supervisor for the specific
purpose of offering your ideas. By carving out a regular time for this to
occur, you’ll have a better chance that you’ll have a chance to express your
viewpoints to your manager on a regular basis.