Making Change Work For You

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew“- Abraham Lincoln

Is there a change in your professional life on the horizon? If there are concerns about making any transition, it is only natural. Fear of change is inherent in many individuals. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone into the unknown can fill anyone with trepidation. We like what we are familiar with and what we have control over. There is reluctance to take the first step by not knowing where it leads.

Like the child that fears the dark, anything that we cannot see and predict causes anxiety and unease. But change can be a positive thing. We as human beings are meant to evolve. We are designed to learn and grow personally and professionally. It is in our wiring to develop into better individuals. Without it, we grow stagnant and inert and become inactive and dull. The result is we as individuals and those around us cannot progress into better people and improve our situations. With the help of professionals like a life coach, we can move forward in our lives.

Think of overcoming change as climbing a mountain. The struggle to get over the top is difficult. The stress on the body and mind may make you want to quit and say it is not worth it. However, there is that nagging feeling of wonder that keeps the climber going. What will the view be at the top? What is it on the other side that makes the struggle worth it? It is like the old saying where it is the journey and not the destination.

This struggle with the feeling of doubt and uncertainty against the draw of possible rewards is faced by anyone going through any modification in life. The individual with aspirations to be an entrepreneur or business owner feels unease with going from the loss of the steady paycheck to fluctuations in income. The career changer may have a fear of failure in trying a new occupation. These feelings can cause confusion and blind people to what they can achieve. They fail to see the positives that can result.

There are ways to make change work for the individual making the transition. A defined plan combined with ability to reach goals can bring success. Some people are able to deal with and capitalize on change for their own betterment. Others may need assistance with the process.

Assessing our abilities and ourselves can be difficult. Some people tend to limit their past accomplishments and what they are capable of doing. The intervention of a third party can help clear through the confusion and make sense of change. The certified life coach can view a client’s situation from an outside perspective. They understand what the client’s needs are and provide them with the insight in how to reach their objectives. They identify the strengths of the individual and how to build on those.

Think of a life coach as your guide through a trackless wilderness. They know the route you seek because they have led other people on the same journey. They can measure the outcome of any endeavor by identifying the individual’s ability and capacity and leveraging the most out of these to reach any objective.

Change should not be seen with hesitancy. It should be embraced as something which makes us stronger.