So many of us gauge whether or not we are successful by measuring how close we are to having what we want. If we have it, then we are successful.
However, this rubric, while somewhat valid, is flawed. It tells us that we are what we achieve so when we don’t reach our goals, it means we are a failure…that we don’t matter in the world. That’s a lot of pressure to put on oneself and it doesn’t make accomplishing goals any fun at all.
This does not mean that ambition is a bad thing. It is a great thing. We just need a more appropriate measure for success than whether or not we grab that brass ring.
As outlined in The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann, the most materially successful people in the world are the biggest givers and it is because of this generosity that they are successful. To these super-achievers, success is not measured by their accomplishments but by how much and how well they serve others.
Based on this principle, try this experiment out:
Be of service to as many people as you can today. Even if it has nothing to do with your career. It could be as simple as helping a woman carry her baby’s stroller down the stairs, bringing coffee to the doorman or being a sympathetic ear to someone.
No amount of power or wealth can compare to helping another person. If you use that as your litmus test for success, then the sky’s the limit! Plus, achieving your goals will be a lot easier and more fun because they no longer determine your worth.
Now get out there and give!